It's been about two weeks since I submitted Warning Order #1, my first published supplement to the FIST:JAM OPS and the results are in.
- I'm a top ten finalist, which isn't bad as there were nearly 40 entries and most of the guys above me were ones I gave high ratings to.
You can't see the breakdown, or at least I can't, but I got six ratings. All of them were either a four or five out of five.It turns out I can see the ratings and I guessed wrong. I got five fives and one two!
- As of today the file was downloaded 56 times, paid for zero times and I picked up eight followers who want to see what I do next.
- What's next? Well I have a hard drive full of half-finished projects, but the game jam's built-in deadline gave me something to aim for. It didn't matter if it was perfect, just as long as it was good enough and done on time (Editor: Old Reporter Saying). I'll be keeping an eye out for the next one that matches up with my interests.
- It will probably NOT be the Pocket Quest 2022 on DriveThruRPG. While the theme of summer camp is broad enough, the requirement that it be a standalone game is a deal-breaker. There are 1,001 one-page RPGs out there and most of them solidly uphold Sturgeon's Law.