Monday, June 13, 2022

Warning Order #1 : A followup

 It's been about two weeks since I submitted Warning Order #1, my first published supplement to the FIST:JAM OPS and the results are in. 

  • I'm a top ten finalist, which isn't bad as there were nearly 40 entries and most of the guys above me were ones I gave high ratings to.
  • You can't see the breakdown, or at least I can't, but I got six ratings. All of them were either a four or five out of five. It turns out I can see the ratings and I guessed wrong. I got five fives and one two!
  • As of today the file was downloaded 56 times, paid for zero times and I picked up eight followers who want to see what I do next. 
  • What's next? Well I have a hard drive full of half-finished projects, but the game jam's built-in deadline gave me something to aim for. It didn't matter if it was perfect, just as long as it was good enough and done on time (Editor: Old Reporter Saying). I'll be keeping an eye out for the next one that matches up with my interests.
  • It will probably NOT be the Pocket Quest 2022 on DriveThruRPG. While the theme of summer camp is broad enough, the requirement that it be a standalone game is a deal-breaker. There are 1,001 one-page RPGs out there and most of them solidly uphold Sturgeon's Law.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Warning Order #1 : A Fistful of Tables

Just released Warning Order #1 : A Fistful of Tables on In the time it took me to make sure it was up correctly it has already been downloaded a half-dozen times.  

To quote my own marketing text?

Warning Order #1 is a collection of system-neutral tables for paranormal Cold War action. It is intended to help game masters prepare scenarios and fill gaps on the fly.

Loaded with plots, devices, names, organizations and countries for your PCs to defend and/or blow up, this supplement will make getting to the action faster and easier.

It's available at as will all of my future releases. That is until I hit the big time and get myself a drivethrurpg account, but let's keep hubris in the box for now.

Thumbs up to the makers of FIST and the other participants in the FIST:JAM OPS. Without them who knows how long it would have taken for me to dip my toes in online publishing?