Monday, August 21, 2023

Shadowrun - Fixer Levels

Came across this and it seems as relevant as ever. Feel free to use this to instruct your players on their place in the cyberpunk hierarchy.


You are at level D. That makes you a D-Lister. Your fixer's name is Benny.

Benny is known as a person of interest to the local law enforcement community. He himself only makes introductions and people are grateful for those introductions. That's why they give him money, otherwise they do not get further introductions

Once you move up to the C-List people start using their last names. Given names like Mr. Adams who is a lawyer or maybe just looks like a lawyer or maybe just talks like oneInstead of saying "I know a guy" Mr. Adams will say "I have a client in need of services." Anyway, the phrases change and the money gets higher, but so do the risks.

When you get to the B-List? That's when people stop using names entirely. You'll probably have a cool street-name and the person hiring you will call himself Mr. Johnson. This is obviously not his real name.

Be careful as names have power and that power is reputation. A person who you don't know? He doesn't face the consequences of his actions if he decides to screw you over. That's the B-List. The money is really good and the risks are really high

Paradoxically at the A-list everything goes back to normal. At this point you probably have a steady client list or there is a corp or other organization you work for full-time. They recognize the value of a good asset and are not going to screw you over. This is the level where real names start coming back into play including things like bank account numbers and Social Security numbers.

You will probably have a title like security consultant or executive protection services and everything will be nice and legal. You won't even have to run away from the cops anymore. That's the sort of work that you can farm out to B-Lister's.

E-listers have no fixers. They either burnt their fixers by acting like amateurs or refused to pay their bills or they're just starting out and have no idea what they're doing. Or they are just street scum. It's not good to be an E-Lister.

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